UR: A Fresh Perspective

Fresh perspectives are a necessary ingredient for the healing of old hurts and wounds. Written on 1/11/2025. ********* Last night, while reading the words of Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986), the influential Indian philosopher, a new perspective on the Rune UR and its meaning emerged for me. While Krishnamurti did not comment on the Runes in his extensive writings and talks, he did frequently consider the topics of memory and truth. In his essay, “On Immediate Realization,”[1] he discusses the challenge of responding to an issue without the baggage of memory. He argues that residual memories result in a type of self-conditioning which limits our ability to tackle new challenges in a fresh way. He also emphasizes that, as he puts it, "[each] challenge is always new, is it not?” Therefore, we face new challenges through old methods filled with old baggage and scars. He explains his idea this way: “Let me put it in a different way. I met you yesterday. In the meantime you have chan...