
An Esoteric Consideration of Ásatrú Cosmogony

Then Ganglieri asked: "Where is this god, what power has he, and what great works has he performed? High said, "He lives throughout all ages and rules all his kingdom and governs all things great and small." Then spoke Just-as-High: "He made heaven and earth and the skies and everything in them." Snorri Sturluson, Edda. [1] ********* Cosmogony is the study of the origin of the universe. Each culture and religion has an origin story that forms the basic tenets of their mythos. While the exoteric tales may stir the imagination or be cast off, even by adherents of the faith, for failing the tests of rationality or scientific understanding, the esoteric meanings of such stories convey deep messages for those who embrace the faith or who are raised in that particular culture. In bygone eras, children raised in families that practiced Ásatrú, the worship of the old gods of the North, were bound to understand the esoteric principles of the religion without having to b

The Politics of Time

What follows is an observation. It is not political in nature, but rather esoteric and philosophical. It is my consideration of one of several reasons that understanding is lacking between those who cling to one or another political ideology. Time is a foundational principle--but our view of it develops from our cultural, religious, and political biases not unlike many other cherished beliefs. Years ago, Sting, lead-singer of the band, the Police sang, "There is no political solution," the opening line of their song, "Spirits in a Material World." Surely, before we seek solutions, we must determine what problem we would like to solve. ********* As I watch another US Presidential cycle unfold, I can’t help but observe a keen esoteric philosophical difference between the parties that largely goes unspoken. Beyond the subjects that comprise the party platforms and rhetoric of each side, the two primary political ideologies have an entirely different perspective on

Gematria and the Armanen Runes

Rudolf John Gorsleben commented,"The Runes are symbols of the pulsating life, they are life itself, reduced to a mathematical formula. They are in some mystical relation to the law of the numbers as the basis of all cosmic and philosophical thinking." There is undoubtedly more to be said of this topic.  ********* Gematria is the magickal practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word, phrase, or letter and associating it with a number. While the word “Gematria” has Greek etymological origins, it was a practice often associated with Jewish texts and most often those associated with the Kabbalah. Such a process reveals otherwise unknown associations between words and their meanings. The numbers that are derived are then often reduced to a single digit by cross-addition. Therefore the number 10 (1+0) has the same reduced value as the number 1. Guido von List’s final work, the capstone to his metaphysical writings was to be Armanism and Kabbalah (Armanismus und Kabbala)

Almighty GIBOR: Understanding Guido von List’s G-Rune

  This article has been writing itself in my head for the past couple of months. Its form continued to evolve until it fully formed during my sleep of 8 March. "These songs will be, to you, Loddfafnir, for a long time well-nigh unlearnable." Composed on 9 and 10 March 2024. ********* There is much misunderstanding and controversy over the 18 runes that Guido von List associated with the 18 Rúnatal verses of the Hávamál (verses 146-164). An internet search discovers the accusation that these runes, oftentimes, but inaccurately called “Armanen” runes are “pseudo-runes” or not runes at all. Some critics suggest that List simply “made them up.” While many are quick to condemn the authenticity of List’s entire Futhorkh, such complaints fail to comprehend the historicity and importance of List’s work. In fact, the first 16 runes of List’s system are what is today known as the Younger Futhork (which was in use throughout the Viking period from approximately the 8th through 12th c

Free Will, the Norns, and Destiny

Imbedded deep in the ancestral faith is the understanding that there is no "blind fate" but rather self-creating power over destiny itself.  Recorded on the 4th of September 2023. ********* I recently participated in a somewhat heated discussion about whether, as Ásatrúars, we believe in “free will.” Several folks made the argument that, within our Germanic belief system, there is no such thing as “free will” —all is predetermined. Essentially the point was that, not unlike Macbeth and others, we cannot escape our fate. I was among those who strongly disagreed with this position. While matters of fate and destiny ( wyrd ) play a significant theme throughout the lore, the concept is best captured by the Norns — who are constantly weaving our wyrd. It is worth considering that nowhere in the lore do we encounter an image of Norns sitting around a finished garment — sipping tea and admiring their completed work. The images of the Norns and wyrd throughout the lore are assoc

Understanding the Significance of List’s "Garma"

I have tread a path which has led me to this very spot. Each step has brought me nearer and nearer to the very place where I now stand. While there was always choice, how could I do other than what I have done? The great wonder remains--have I tread this path before?  Written between 30 July and 6 August 2023. ********* Anyone who might choose to plumb the depths of the works of Guido von List (5 October 1848 – 17 May 1919), will discover several unfamiliar terms. Among these terms, coined by List, and used frequently throughout his works, is Garma . On the surface this strange word appears to be the equivalent of the Sanskrit-derived karma (“action”). Indeed, for List, there is a close etymological association between the words. Consistently, however, List chose to use Garma throughout his writings rather than karma . Stephen Flowers points out that List had no issue using the Sanskrit term Rita (“Cosmic Order”),[1] leaving readers perplexed as to why List seemingly coined his own

A Portrait of Guido von List

This short biography was written on 30 April 2023. It is intended as the first of a series of "portraits" of important figures in the twentieth century runic revival. It was written specifically for Knights of Runes and is included on their website. ********* Guido von List (5 October 1848 - 17 May 1919) was born in Vienna, Austria. Throughout his youth, List was an avid outdoorsman. He spent considerable time boating and mountaineering. He also dedicated himself to the study of history, archeology, and anthropology. His thoughts on a wide range of subjects were recorded in numerous articles.[1]The youthful List was already demonstrating his interest in the mystical world. He later described an episode that occurred when he was only fourteen years old: “After much asking, [I] received permission from my father to accompany him and his party who were planning to visit the catacombs [beneath St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna] which were at that time still in their original cond