
A New Look at the Runes of the Armanen

"Donald exemplifies a philosophically mature and steady attitude which helps open the door to a new understanding of the Armanen teachings which demonstrates that they have a special message and usefulness in the modern world." - Stephen E. Flowers

"It's without a doubt an instant classic." - Larry E. Camp, Grand Rune Master

Throughout this volume, the author seeks to answer the question, “Why would anyone use or spend time studying the Armanen runes today?” At a time when most Heathens and followers of other pagan pathways have embraced the Elder Futhark for everything from divination to tattoos, such an endeavor appears untimely indeed. Today the Armanen runes remain unknown to most. For many who are more informed, it is little more than a better-forgotten footnote in the long history of runes. For others however, it is the foremost esoteric rune system—one imbued with power for positive internal and external transformation.

Van den Andel takes a fresh look at the esoteric rune system derived from Odin's book of wisdom, the Hávamál. He considers this system from a magical perspective and works to square the hidden rune messages both with the traditional rune poems and with Germanic mythology. He aligns himself with those who are unsatisfied with runic pop-culture and simple exoteric explanations for the profound mysteries that are the runes. Throughout this analysis he demonstrates awareness of alternative ideas about the great mysteries of our world and cosmos. He embraces a wide range of ideas and remains open to those that seem fantastic and beyond our normal comprehension. He argues that those who seek beyond the mundane and easily explained are likely to embrace the magical practices of those enlightened to this esoteric rune row. Here the seeker will find a wide range of practices from meditation and mantras to chakras and yoga. 

The author makes the case that the Armanen system provides answers to the mystery of the runes unlike any other rune row. He makes the case that this rune row, far from being the invention of a single mind is supported by the ancient wisdom of the various traditional rune poems. For those seeking the mysteries, willing to explore the old secrets, and willing to eschew contemporary taboos, there can be no runes that better satisfy and provide answers and profound benefits. Readers will discover a Germanic mythological tale that takes them chronologically from the dawn of time in Ginnungagap to the heavenly rebirth of Gimle. They will also recognize a story of their own lives—from birth through life to death and rebirth. Finally, for the initiate seeking rune mastery, the runic tale reveals itself as an instructive course that teaches the secrets of the runes and maps a path of discovery and wisdom. Van den Andel reveals a powerful esoteric system that may be beneficial to any who seek personal growth, transformation, and healing.

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A Journal of Rune Esotericism and Magick
Volume II, 2025

FUTHORKH is the journal of Knights of Runes. In Volume II, authors Donald van den Andel, Loni J. Haas, Jurgens Pieterse, Karl Hans Welz, and David Wolfheart consider a wide variety of esoteric subjects regarding the Armanen Runes. These include several practices including Rune Meditation, Rune Önd, Rune Stadha, and Rune Mantras. Other subjects include Astrological considerations and symbolism of the Runes. Other subjects include and esoteric look at the Hávamál and historical considerations of the work of Siegfried Kummer and Karl Welz. Finally, this issue also includes poetry, book reviews, and hard-hitting editorials. 

A Journal of Rune Esotericism and Magick
Volume I, 2024

FUTHORKH is the journal of Knights of Runes. Of utmost importance to this journal, is the study and practice of the Runes. To begin, it is necessary to understand that a Rune is best described as a secret or a mystery. They are properly described as cosmological mysteries and concepts that date back to the dawn of time—to the Ginnungagap itself. In the pages of FUTHORKH, we explore the esoteric nature of the Runes — reveal their secrets and attempt to solve, at least some of, their mysteries.

The Spiritual Journey of a Modern-Day Heathen

"Read this today and found it to be a charming and informative tale of one man's spiritual journey. Well written, intelligent and sincere. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in Asatru and the pathway home." - Robert N. Taylor 

"Many books on Asatru can be dry and tedious to read cover-to-cover. They function well if you need to look something up quickly. This book is different. It is the story of a man finding his path to his ancestral gods. It is honest and informative. Tales from the Ironwood provides sources and stories to help newcomers to Asatru and hardened practitioners alike. It is about a journey and to that end, we can all relate." - Faine
The author recounts a life that had been “normal” until he realized that he was not living in a way that was true to his inner being. His story reveals a spiritual journey from early childhood memories, through years of atheist rebellion, to recommitment to Christianity, and finally to his discovery of Germanic Heathenry and the worship of the nearly forgotten gods of the North.

While this book shares one man’s pursuit of something greater, it also serves as an introduction to the religion of Asatru for any who may find themselves on a similar course. Beyond that, it relates to any and all who feel dissatisfied with the bland world of modern consumerism and desire to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. 

Van den Andel describes his book as “an unconventional travelogue.” The travel however is purely on a metaphysical plane as it relates his adventures on a spiritual road from the strange place of exile that he dubs the Ironwood to Midgard—a world where worship of the old gods is both honorable and expected. Ultimately this is a story of one man’s quest to fill the void left by the modern world by finding and embracing the native spirituality of his ancestors. 

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