Why Ásatrú?

"Why Ásatrú?" was originally written on 25 August 2018. It was later transformed into one of the middle chapters of my book, Tales from the Ironwood. I think it serves well as a stand-alone piece and is a fair representation of my thinking at the time. It has become one of the most popular of my articles. Victor Hugo warned however that "popularity is a piece of faded tinsel that is out of date." ********* WHEN FRIENDS AND FAMILY LEARN that I have embraced a faith that honors and worships the pre-Christian gods of Europe, they are typically bewildered. I recall one of my cousins saying, “Well that’s fine, but I think it’s crazy.” I refrained from pointing out the “crazy” things that Christians believe like a teenaged virgin giving birth to god Almighty or that everyone born before the time of Christ was damned to Hell for all eternity. Other friends and family often remained silent, choosing not to discuss religion, but presumably thinking much the same. Few se...