Swearing Oaths: A Message from the Edda

As I explain in the opening of "Swearing Oaths," the text for this article formed in its entirety during my dreams on 6 May 2018 and were recorded upon waking. Recalling what seems a rather odd phenomenon, I realize that I have had articles, songs, speeches and even solutions to complex problems at work form in my dreams. Upon its completion, I became more certain than ever that Snorri was purposefully deceptive when composing his Edda . ********* While I often have vivid dreams, they are rarely useful or revealing especially with regard to my spiritual faith, Ásatrú. It was therefore strange and exciting when I awoke one morning with a clear and practical explanation of a key story from our lore. I have long believed that the authors of the Eddas obscured important messages through their use of poetic form.[1] The mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface of the texts are however difficult to discern. Authors who recommend that we not only read the lore, but familia...