Kvasir’s Blood

"Kvasir’s Blood" was written on 8 and 9 February 2020. With the article only halfway written on the 8th, I sipped Dansk Viking Blod mead in the evening. It served as a worthy and useful inspiration. May all find inspiration through Grimnir’s gift. ********* When Germanic Heathens gather, there is typically mead about. The newcomer to Ásatrú has likely read that mead plays a significant role in many of its rituals. It may be splashed with an evergreen sprig upon those gathered or it may be sipped or even quaffed from a hefty drinking horn. But what is this drink, sometimes called the oldest alcoholic beverage? Despite various reports about the growing popularity of mead, it can be somewhat difficult to find locally.[1] I recall walking into a fairly well-stocked liquor store and asking if they sold mead. “What is that, beer?” I was asked in response. I tried again in an upscale winery. With an air of snobbery, the proprietor replied, “Wine made from honey? Some people w...