No “Thou Shalt Nots”

This article appeared in nearly full-form in my dreams of the morning of Saturday 18 April 2020. I glanced up at the clock and it displayed 3:15. When works such as this appear to me, I am always confronted with the dilemma of whether to get out of bed and begin typing furiously at my computer or wait until the morning properly arrives. Having chosen the latter and having my effort limited to recollection and editing, I can only wonder if the final result is superior or inferior to the dream itself. ********* When someone comes home to Ásatrú from Christianity, as I did, it quickly becomes evident that the two represent entirely different ways of envisaging the world. Beyond that, there are stark differences in how one behaves and speaks about the religion that they practice. It certainly could be said, “In Ásatrú, there are no ‘Thou shalt nots.’” An important concept that is taught to each child in Sunday School is that of the Ten Commandments. Personally I don’t recollect learni...