Wyrd Times

The following article was written between 30 May and 13 June 2020. It is a reminder that actions have consequences and that as Ásatrúars we believe in free will despite the eternal weaving of the Norns. ********* The news of the past few days –of rioting and looting across our country –in the aftermath of watching the killing of George Floyd on national TV has been particularly emotional for me. For some the nationwide protests turned riots may seem unique or yet another indication that 2020 seems to be a year that is particularly damned. But I have known of such turmoil for as long as I can recall. I have become quite cynical that anything will change anytime soon. There was the Newark riots of 1967 and other similar race riots throughout the ‘60s. In 1970 Asbury Park suffered from riots that left that New Jersey shore town in misery for the next thirty plus years. While there were many riots in the years that followed –Los Angeles in 1992 when Rodney King was beaten by the LAPD...