Meditations on TYR: Hangatýr’s Sacrifice

This essay began as a progress report of my continued studies of the Armanen Futhorkh. Originally written on 1 January 2021, it was representative of my understanding of the runes generally, and the TYR rune specifically. This essay was substantially rewritten on 5 February 2022 based on my current understanding of the runes and to enable to better serve as a part of a cohesive book rather than a standalone essay. ********* TYR is the twelfth of the Armanen Runes. I begin my mediations on TYR by focusing on verse 157 of the Hávamál . Karl Hans Welz translates verse 157 as follows: “A twelfth I know: If I see the hanged man shaking in the wind on the tree, Then I cut and stain Runes. Now the warrior talks And descends from the tree.”[1] Initially this verse doesn’t appear to align with the more straightforward reference to the god Tyr in the Norwegian Rune Poem ( NRP ): “TYR is the one-handed god; the smith is often [busy with] blowing.” [2] The god Tyr is clearly indicated...