Meditations on LAF: Journeys Between the Nine Worlds

Begun on 18 March 2021 and completed on the Spring Equinox, this essay is another installment of what will be a complete set of meditations on the Armanen Futhorkh. These will form the centerpiece of the book that I am currently writing that will consider various thoughts on Asatru, Runes, and Magick. ********* As I ponder the esoteric meaning of LAF, the fourteenth rune of the Armanen Futhorkh , I begin as usual by meditating on the relevant verse from the Hávamál , verse 159: A Fourteenth I sing To all the assembled people And I name the Divine Names For no one knows the names Of all Albes and Ases As well as I do. [1] Karl Hans Welz provides this explanation for a seemingly obscure verse: “Clearly there is reference to names. An old magical idea is that once you know the name of an entity you have it under your control, a name being a structural link to an energy field. The references to Light beings (Albes, or elves) and gods (Ases or Aesir) are obvious. LAF, then, is a ...