Untimely Meditations: The Armanen Runes
Written between 28 March and 13 June 2021, "Untimely Meditations" borrows its title from Nietzsche's Unzeitgemässe Betrachtunge . This essay is intended to serve a dual purpose. It is to serve as an introduction to my series of Meditations on the Armanen Runes providing background for those unfamiliar with this Futhorkh and its main proponents. It will also serve as part of Treatise that I am preparing for my Knights of Runes course work. In Nietzsche's volume, he wrote, "Nobody can build the bridge for you to walk across the river of life, no one but you yourself alone. There are, to be sure, countless paths and bridges and demi-gods which would carry you across this river; but only at the cost of yourself; you would pawn yourself and lose. There is in the world only one way, on which nobody can go, except you: where does it lead? Do not ask, go along with it." His thought is likely both as accurate and as untimely as the day he wrote it. ********* Why wo...