Meditations on KA: The Manifestation of Askr and Embla

This essay was begun on 3 October and completed on Samhain 2021. It completes my analysis of the Armanen Runes making up the initial aett. In KA I complete the first third of a voyage that began in the raw potential of the Ginnungagap and arrives at the manifestation of the first human beings. The cosmological fire of FA is now the fire of spirit glowing inside each of us. ********* My meditations on KA begin with a reading of the 151st verse of the Hávamál . “A sixth one is mine: Should a warrior try To hurt me with the roots of soft wood: This warrior who awakens the hatred in me Shall be struck before he can hurt me.”[1] Guido von List interpreted KA and this verse specifically based on the zeitgeist of his time commenting “The tribe, the race, is to be purely preserved; it may not be defiled by the roots of the foreign tree.”[2] The Old English Rune Poem ( OERP ) sounds a seemingly different note: “(CEN) Torch is known to each living being by fire Radiant and bright, ...