Meditations on IS: Crossing Bifröst

This essay finally took form in the closing days of 2021, being completed on December 30. I see that I began recording my thoughts on IS some two and a half years ago. Certainly my ideas have evolved over that time. While many Runemasters begin their exercises with IS, and with it falling ninth in Futhorkh order, it is revealing to me that it is the sixteenth of my written rune meditations. It appears that I could not have written it any sooner than I have. ********* I begin my meditations on the ninth rune, IS by considering Hávamál verse 154. Here Odin reveals how he uses this rune to calm raging seas. “A ninth one is mine: If danger is out in the sea To protect my good ship I conjure the wind on the billowing floods And I sing into slumber the sea.” [1] The exoteric meaning of the ninth rune is ice. Upon reading this verse, it immediately comes to mind that through the process of freezing, waves and running water become still. Guido Von List had this same thought, “Through the...