
Showing posts from July, 2022

Rune Yoga

This essay was originally written on 4 July 2019. Perhaps, with numerological significance, it came to serve as the eighteenth chapter of my book, Tales from the Ironwood . It was in 2016 sometime that I attended my first Rune Yoga class. I had learned of the practice sometime earlier with my first read of Edred Thorsson's Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic. Over the years, I have come to teach Rune Yoga on many occasions to several dozen students. I continue to explore its power and mystery each day. What follows contains a few minor edits and updates from that work which was published in 2019. ********* I was excited, if not perplexed, when I received an invitation to a class on “Rune Yoga.” Skylands Ásatrú Fellowship always placed a major emphasis on education. There were classes offered on a wide range of subjects from “Cosmology” to “Eschatology.” But what exactly was “Rune Yoga?” While I had never practiced yoga, I was quite aware of its popularity. There must be at least a h...

Wihinei: List’s Secret Doctrine

This short essay was composed on 8 July 2022. It represents my initial thoughts after reading Stephen E. Flowers' translation of Guido von List's, The Transition from Wuotanism to Christianity . List has long been maligned by his detractors for the  völkisch writings of his youth. It is important to acknowledge that his most influential works were all published when he was aged 60 years or greater. These range from his 1908, Das Geheimnis Der Runes (The Secret of the Runes) to his final unpublished work, Armanismus und Kabbala (Armandom and Kabbalah). It is certainly noteworthy that at age 63 he identified the Armanen as the keepers of an esoteric world-religion - Wihinei . ********* One of the key concepts that Guido von List (1848-1919) uses throughout his writings is that of “Wihinei.” The recent translation by Stephen Flowers of List’s 1911 work, Die Übergang von Wuotanismus zum Christentum ( The Transition from Wuotanism to Christianity [1]) goes a long way in clarify...