Runic Thought on the Morning of 17 November

Seventeen November. The anniversary of my birth. The thought that follows entered my mind as the veil of sleep lifted in the wee hours of the morning. ********* The Runes may be viewed as a narrative of life itself with three stages of life indicated. With HAGAL evenly placed between RIT and IS, we discover a world of of our own making. In HAGAL, we have a subjective universe created by ego, IS through the creative energy of RIT. The source then of HAGAL’s ”hail” is oneself. Only through TYR is the subjective world sacrificed revealing the objective. This appears in full focus through our rebirth in BAR and attainment of the spiritual and the final aett- the last stage of this life. For those who reach this level, it is important to realize that many have not yet- and perhaps never will. Some will forever remain among the first or second aett. There the danger of HAGAL is believing the subjective is the objective universe. Then the dark side of HAGAL reveals itself, bound by limi...