Understanding the Significance of List’s "Garma"
I have tread a path which has led me to this very spot. Each step has brought me nearer and nearer to the very place where I now stand. While there was always choice, how could I do other than what I have done? The great wonder remains--have I tread this path before? Written between 30 July and 6 August 2023. ********* Anyone who might choose to plumb the depths of the works of Guido von List (5 October 1848 – 17 May 1919), will discover several unfamiliar terms. Among these terms, coined by List, and used frequently throughout his works, is Garma . On the surface this strange word appears to be the equivalent of the Sanskrit-derived karma (“action”). Indeed, for List, there is a close etymological association between the words. Consistently, however, List chose to use Garma throughout his writings rather than karma . Stephen Flowers points out that List had no issue using the Sanskrit term Rita (“Cosmic Order”),[1] leaving readers perplexed as to why List seemingly coined his ...