List’s Secret Armanen Wisdom
Over the past several weeks, I have further explored the ideas of Guido von List. My initial draft is completed on this, the 17th day of November 2024. ********* An important, but often overlooked, concept in Guido von List’s Das Geheimnis der Runen ( The Secret of the Runes )[1] is that the ancient Armanen (the societal class comprised of priests, skalds, magicians, and kings) concealed key philosophical principles within the mysterious symbols known as Runes and the Eddic passages they wrote to describe them. List reveals several layers of secrets of the Runes in his most famous volume. First, he recognizes the 18 verses of the Hávamál referred to as the Rúnatal or Odin’s Rune Song corresponded to an 18 Rune Futhorkh. The next secret has to do with the interpretation of the meaning of these ancient symbols. To provide that, List takes the approach of interpreting the known Rune Poems,[2] the relevant Hávamál verses, and the etymological roots of words extending their German ...